Before you try to setup Stripe payments, make sure you have already installed the Form Maker Stripe Extension. Then go to Form Maker –> Forms, click Settings and then Payment Options. Choose Stripe, if it’s not already chosen. If you don’t want to test out the payments before going live, you can set the Checkout mode to Live right away.
Now click Get Stripe Publishable and Secret Keys.
Login into Stripe, get your API key and secret key, and copy them back to the respective fields.
Then go ahead and set the currency in which you want to accept payments and the tax percentage, as well as the fields you want the user to fill out in addition to their card info, such as City or Zip code.
Click Update to save this info.
After you’ve connected your Stripe account, you can go to Form Maker –> Forms, click Add Field, and expand the Payment tab.
Add the Stripe field to your form and allow people to pay directly to your Stripe account.