In order to make sure people don’t write in “abracadabra” in the date of birth field, it is common to set up validation rules. After you click Form Maker and the form you want to have a field or fields with validation rules, click the “Edit” symbol below the field you want.
Click Advanced options and check Validation (RegExp.)
You’ll see the “Regular Expression” field where you need to input regular expressions manually. If you run into any trouble trying to do this, check out this article for a list of regex useful for validation rules. There’s also a Common Regular Expressions field which includes the most common regex rules. Since I selected the “Name” field to edit, let’s select Name.
You can also check/unchecked case sensitivity and edit the message the user receives when the input is of the wrong type.
Once you’ve setup all the validation rules, click Update and you’re done with the field!