If your thumbnails appear blurry when using the Photo Gallery plugin, it may be due to improperly set thumbnail dimensions. Here's how you can resolve this issue in the plugin's Global Settings:
- From your WordPress admin, go to Photo Gallery > Global Settings.
- In the General tab, set the Generated Thumbnail Dimensions to be larger than the display size you plan to use for the thumbnails, then click the Recreate button.
The Generated Thumbnail Dimensions setting determines the thumbnail’s physical size. Setting a thumbnail dimension that is larger than the display size ensures that your thumbnails will have a high enough resolution to display clearly.
- Switch to the Gallery Views tab to change the settings for how your galleries are displayed in the different gallery view layouts.
- Select the desired Gallery View Layout from the dropdown menu. Only Thumbnails, Masonry, or Mosaic galleries have the option to set thumbnail dimensions.
- Depending on which layout you choose, locate the Thumbnail Dimensions or Thumbnail Size option and adjust the thumbnail size. To avoid any blurriness, ensure that the Generated Thumbnail Dimensions you set in Step 2 are larger than the thumbnail size you set here. Repeat this step for each layout being displayed.
- When displaying a Gallery Group, switch to the Group of Gallery Views tab. This step is only necessary when you’re experiencing issues while displaying a Gallery Group.
- In the Group of Gallery Views tab, select the view type from the dropdown menu.
- Depending on the view type you choose, make sure the view’s Gallery group thumbnail dimensions and Thumbnail dimensions are both set to a smaller size than the Generated Thumbnail Dimensions set in Step 2. Please note, that the Masonry view has no option to set the height, so you’ll only need to enter the appropriate Gallery group thumbnail width and Thumbnail width.
- Repeat the last step for each Gallery Group layout being displayed.
- After adjusting these settings, click the Save Options button at the top of the page to save your changes.
- Finally, recreate the thumbnails for each gallery. You must repeat the following steps for each gallery to ensure the generated thumbnail dimensions for all galleries are updated promptly.
- Go to Photo Gallery > Add Galleries/Images in the WordPress admin
- Click an image to enter a gallery
- Select all images using the check box above the gallery images
- Select Recreate thumbnail from the Bulk Actions drop down menu
- Click Apply
By following these steps, you can fix the issue of blurry thumbnails in your Photo Gallery, ensuring that they display in clear, high resolution.