To add a gallery or a gallery group on pages, posts or custom templates, you need to configure a shortcode. Photo Gallery plugin provides a comprehensive toolbox for this purpose, letting you achieve the layout which best fits your website.
You can begin creating a shortcode by using one of the following 2 methods:
- Navigating to Photo Gallery > Options page, and clicking on Generate Shortcode button of General tab. After setting up the desired configuration, click Generate to receive the shortcode and PHP function.
- Adding or editing a WordPress page or post, and pressing Add Photo Gallery button to open the shortcode toolbox. In this case, you need to click Insert Into Post button after configuring the options. Note, that PHP function is not provided with this method.
After accessing the shortcode toolbox, you will find two main sections of options:
- Gallery, that lets you create shortcodes for your image galleries,
- Gallery Group, which lets you configure a shortcode for a gallery group.
Let’s go through the settings of these two sections separately and discover all options of shortcode setup.
Creating Gallery Shortcode
Begin the setup of a shortcode for your gallery by selecting one of these mobile-friendly, stunning layouts:
- Thumbnails,
- Masonry,
- Mosaic,
- Slideshow,
- Image Browser,
- Blog Style,
- Carousel.
Afterward, choose the Gallery you wish to showcase, a Tag to filter images by, and the Theme to use while displaying the gallery.
Selecting Use default options checkbox lets you use the settings configured in Photo Gallery > Options page. However, you can unmark this option and provide unique setup for this particular shortcode.
Configuring Gallery Group Shortcode
To begin creating a shortcode for your gallery groups, navigate to Gallery Group tab of this dashboard. The following 3 outstanding responsive layouts for gallery groups will appear at the top:
- Compact,
- Masonry,
- Extended.
Choose the one you wish to use, then select the Gallery Group and a Theme to apply.
As in the case of gallery shortcode, you can mark Use default options and apply the settings configured on Photo Gallery > Options page.
Nevertheless, the plugin lets you implement unique setup for each gallery group by modifying shortcode settings. Make sure to uncheck Use default options setting.
As you uncheck Use default options for a gallery or a gallery group shortcode, the sections listed below will appear, containing their own set of tools.
Click on Gallery bar to expand corresponding settings. With these options in the shortcode toolbox, you are able to:
- define the number of image columns and thumbnail dimensions,
- set pagination, image sorting, and ordering,
- enable Search Box and Tag Box,
- activate bulk download of gallery images,
- enable image titles and descriptions,
and much more.
Gallery Group
These options allow you to fully personalize the features on your gallery groups. You are able to apply numerous modifications, such as:
- setting gallery group thumbnail columns and dimensions,
- configuring pagination options,
- selecting order parameters on gallery groups,
- enabling gallery group Search Box and Tag Box,
- activating descriptions of gallery groups, image titles,
- allowing users to bulk download gallery images,
and more.
Expand Lightbox section of shortcode toolbox to begin configuring the following features for your gallery:
- enable lightbox, or change the click action for gallery images,
- set lightbox dimensions, navigation effects, and autoplay,
- activate a filmstrip containing miniatures of gallery images,
- activate image titles and descriptions on lightbox,
- enable numerous control buttons, such as fullscreen, social sharing, and commenting.
Using these tools, you are able to fully personalize the image lightbox of your gallery. For instance, you can select Redirect to URL option for Image Click Action setting, and navigate users to different pages when they click on gallery image thumbnails.
This section of Photo Gallery shortcode toolbox allows you to add Text or Image advertisement on the images of your gallery. Using these options, you can:
- provide the image or text to add as the advertisement,
- set the link of advertisement on the image or text,
- choose the font style and color for text advertisement,
- determine the dimensions of image advertisement,
- set advertisement position on the photos.
Note, that the advertisement appears on the images when they are displayed within the lightbox popup.
Editing Shortcodes
With Generate Shortcode option, you also have the tools to edit existing shortcodes. Use the drop-down list of shortcodes to choose one and modify as necessary.
As you finish making changes, make sure to click Update button to save the shortcode.