Photo Gallery plugin includes a large variety of user-friendly theme settings, which let you modify and set the look-and-feel of each and every attribute on published photo galleries. You can change text color and font, reposition elements on lightbox, edit the design of pagination buttons, and more.
To start modifying the appearance of published Photo Gallery, navigate to Photo Gallery > Themes page. By default, the plugin comes with 2 pre-built themes. You can edit these, or alternatively, create a new theme from scratch.
Using this dashboard, you can duplicate or delete both single and multiple themes using Bulk Actions. Click the star button to set a default theme to be used when publishing galleries or gallery groups. Nevertheless, you can switch to a different Photo Gallery theme when creating a shortcode.
Edit or add a theme to explore the settings and choose the best appearance for your galleries and gallery groups. Themes of Photo Gallery plugin contain the following sets of design tools:
- Thumbnail,
- Masonry,
- Mosaic,
- Slideshow,
- Image browser,
- Compact album,
- Masonry album,
- Extended album,
- Blog style,
- Lightbox,
- Navigation,
- Carousel,
- Tags.
Each section consists of options corresponding to the layout or element of the same name. With these settings, you can achieve a unique look for your galleries or gallery groups by applying numerous changes, such as:
- changing the alignment and background of galleries,
- setting the font size, font family and weight of image titles and descriptions.
- repositioning gallery or image information on grid layouts and lightbox,
- applying hover effect on thumbnails grid layouts,
- modifying lightbox background and its opacity,
- adjusting the thumbnail background and thumbnail background opacity,
- changing the font style, alignment, and size of the control and tag filter buttons.
and much more.
As you finish implementing changes on a theme, make sure to save it by pressing Save or Update button.
Note: You can reset the modified theme settings to their defaults by clicking on Reset button.