Photo Gallery allows users to leave comments on images and rate them using the tools on the lightbox provided by the plugin. These features allow you to configure an interactive gallery and receive feedback from the visitors of your website.
The following two sections of this user guide will help you to activate comments and ratings, and find out how to manage them.
Image Comments
To use commenting feature of Photo Gallery plugin, you need to enable this functionality first. Navigate to Photo Gallery > Options page, then open Lightbox tab. Set Enable comments option to Yes, and configure the following few settings.
- Show Email for comments. Activate this option to display email address input in the comments section.
- Show Captcha for comments. Enable this setting and require users to fill in Captcha word verification upon submitting a comment. This protects images from spam comments.
- Enable comments moderation. You can activate this option to be able to moderate each comment left on images in your galleries.
Save the options, the feature will apply to galleries and gallery groups which use Default Options. In case you wish to activate comments on galleries which have unique shortcode setup, simply follow the steps below:
- edit the shortcode on the page with your galleries,
- expand Lightbox section and find Enable comments option,
- set it to Yes and update the shortcode along with the page.
As you enable comments section, a new control button will appear on the lightbox of the published gallery. By clicking on this button, users will be able to expand the comments form and fill it out.
To manage and moderate the comments left on your gallery images, navigate to Photo Gallery > Comments page. You can check the content of the comment, as well as publish, unpublish, and delete single or multiple images using Bulk Actions.
All published comments will appear under the comment form of your gallery images.
Image Ratings
Adding a rating feature to Photo Gallery image lightbox is simple and straightforward. You just need to set Enable rating option to Yes from Lightbox tab of Photo Gallery > Options page.
This change will take effect on galleries, which use Default Options. To activate rating on shortcodes with unique setup, edit them and select Yes for Enable rating option under Lightbox section.
When this feature is enabled, a star button will be added to Control Buttons of Photo Gallery’s lightbox. By pressing this button, star rating option will appear over the lightbox images.
Users will be able to rate the photos by simply clicking on the stars.
To manage rating users apply to your gallery images, open WordPress administrative dashboard of your website, then navigate to Photo Gallery > Ratings page. You can check the rating, its date, as well as the IP address of the submitter.
Photo Gallery plugin also lets you delete the unwanted ratings of images.