Another fantastic feature of WordPress Form Maker plugin is its Conditional Fields. This allows you show or hide parts of or all of specific fields of your form based on certain selections the submitter makes. Go to Section of your form, then click Conditional Fields tab to start the setup.
Press Add Condition button to configure the first condition of your form.
Show/Hide select box represents the action which will be completed if all or any of the condition statements are fulfilled. Use the second drop-down menu to select the field which will be shown or hidden.
Click the little Plus (+) icon to add the statement of your form condition.
For example, let’s assume there is a Single Choice field on your form titled Inquiry type. And you wish to show "Describe the problem" field in case users choose Support Request as the type of their inquiry. The condition you configure needs to have the following logic:
Show [Describe the problem] if [all] of the following match:
[Inquiry type] is [Support request]
Make sure to hit Update after setting up Conditional Fields.