Instagram Feed plugin comes with a popup box, which appears when users click on a photo or a video in the feed. It lets them display the larger versions of Instagram media, as well as play videos and navigate through the posts.
To run the lightbox by clicking on the media, make sure Action OnClick option of Feed Settings tab is set to Open Lightbox.
Just like other attributes of Instagram feeds, Lightbox Settings can be personalized as well. Edit your feed, then navigate to Lightbox Settings tab. Here you will find all the tools which help you tweak the features of the lightbox.
The user-friendly lightbox options are divided into the following two main sections:
- General Settings,
- Advanced Settings.
Let’s discuss these two sections and discover the benefits of the options they provide.
General section of Lightbox Settings mainly provides options to modify the dimensions and effects on the popup box. You are able to make the following changes:
- set the dimensions of the lightbox,
- configure autoplay and choose from 14 amazing animation effects,
- activate full-width lightbox,
and more.
With Advanced section of Lightbox settings, you have full control of what’s shown with the popup pox of Instagram feed images and videos. It takes just a few steps to get the appearance of the lightbox exactly as you wish to have it.
Lightbox Advanced options allow you to:
- add a filmstrip to the lightbox, containing the thumbnails of Instagram posts,
- customize the navigation on the lightbox, adding Next and Previous buttons,
- activate image captions and display them on the image,
- enable right-click protection, and thus disallow right-click on images and videos,
- place share, fullscreen, download and other control buttons,
- add comments section to the lightbox,
and much more.