To personalize main settings of WordPress Instagram Feed plugin, navigate to Instagram Feed > Settings page. As you sign in to Instagram with your account, Access Token and Username inputs will be filled in automatically.
Check for new posts every (min) option indicated the period after which Instagram Feed plugin will request new posts from your account and fetch to your feed. The default value of this setting is 60 minutes.
To provide users with excellent performance on Instagram feeds, the plugin caches feed data and loads them from cache. You can clear this cache using Reset cache with Instagram data option.
However, note, that new posts from your account are fetched automatically based on Check for new posts every (min) setting in any case.
Advanced Options
Advanced Options of Instagram Feed plugin also allow you to modify a few general parameters, that apply to all feeds. Click on Advanced Options bar to expand this toolbox.
With Minimal role to add and manage Feeds or Themes option, you can select the WordPress user role which will have access to Instagram Feed plugin. The user roles of higher levels will also be able to modify and manage the feeds.
Custom CSS lets you write your own CSS code for your Instagram feeds. This is handy, in case you need to make specific changes regarding the styling of your feed. Whereas with Custom Javascript you are able to apply additional scripts.
For instance, let’s consider you have a feed with Thumbnails Layout, and besides displaying the feed, you wish to expand captions for some posts. You can achieve this the following way.
Firstly, you need to assign custom wdi_feed_loaded event of the plugin to the container of the Instagram feed, then set callback function for this event.
Here is an example of a script, which expands captions of posts with 0, 1, 2, 3 indexes:
Make sure to Save Changes after you finish modifying Advanced Options.
Uninstalling Instagram Feed Plugin
In case you wish to completely remove Instagram Feed plugin, you can Uninstall it using Instagram Feed > Uninstall menu item. However, it is important to note, that uninstalling the plugin will delete all feeds, reset all options to their defaults, and remove other data on the plugin.
Please make sure you don’t have any important information before you proceed.