In this section, you will learn how to edit the Layer settings of the WordPress Google Maps plugin.
Enable Bicycle Layer. Bicycle routes will be highlighted on the map. Usually suggested routes will be highlighted as well.
Enable Traffic Layer. Real-time traffic information of the route will be highlighted on the map as a layer. The timing is based on the actual request time.
Enable Transit Layer. Transit routes will be highlighted on the map. This will display the public transit network of the city. The information will be displayed with thick lines. The list of the supported cities can be found here.
GeoRSS URL. Providing the URL to created Geographically encoded objects of RSS ( feed you can add RSS-feed based layers on your map.
KML URL. KML is a file format created on the basis of Google Earth. It might contain rich data, such as trails/locations, images and tips related to the locations, etc. After creating the file you can provide the URL here.
Fusion Table Id. You can create your own Google Fusion table and provide its ID here. Fusion tables is overall an application used for sharing, visualizing, and publishing tabular data.