If Use MailChimp Globals setting is turned on, default email options of MailChimp are used. You can disable this setting to use advanced Email options of MailChimp WD.
Email to Administrator
Email to send submissions to option lets you set the email address(es), which will be used to forward the submitted information. Provide one address at a time and click on the plus (+) button next to the input.
Email From is the email address, from which you will receive the email with submissions as an administrator. You can choose the email field of your MailChimp list and receive submitted data from user’s email address. The MailChimp WordPress plugin also lets you use the value of email field from Custom Fields. And as the third alternative, you can provide a static email address with Other option.
From Name, option indicates the name of the submission sender in the email to the administrator. As the case of the same setting in Email to User section, you can either write a static text or select a value of a MailChimp list field by clicking on buttons with their labels. It can also be set to show a value of a custom field of your form, click the plus (+) button to view them.
Reply to (if different from “Email From”) sets the submitter email address, to which you, as an administrator, are going to send the response to.
As in Email to User section, Email to Administrator settings also have CC and BCC options, which allow you to forward emails with submitted information to additional email addresses. If you use CC option, the receiver will be able to display email addresses of other recipients, whereas in case of BCC they will be hidden.
Subject identifies the subject line for the message to the administrator email address(es). You can select values of list fields or custom fields, and also set static subject here as well.
Mode option lets you choose the layout of the administrator email with submissions between Text and HTML.
Attach File will let you choose whether or not you want to forward the files uploaded by a user to administrator email address(es).
If disabled, Email empty fields will hide the fields, which haven’t been filled out by users, in the email with submitted information.
Custom Text in Email For Administrator is the editor for the content of submission messages. It is fully customizable. You can add images, text, and generally, basic HTML tags such as ‹h1› through ‹h6›, ‹p›, ‹span›, etc. Moreover, the editor lets you include list field or custom field values of your form. Click on the buttons above to add their indicators to custom email content.
Email to User
Email From option indicates the email address, from which subscribers will receive the confirmation email. You can use the email field of your list by clicking on it, or alternatively, provide a static email address.
From Name sets the name of the sender indicated in a confirmation email. The option lets you have a static name or choose a dynamic value from form fields. You can get the latter from your MailChimp list fields by clicking on buttons below the input, and also from custom fields. The list of custom fields will appear after hitting the plus (+) button.
Reply to (if different from “Email Form”) can be used to provide an email address, to which the submitter can reply to.
CC and BCC options let you provide alternative email addresses, to which the form submissions will be forwarded additionally. In case of setting CC, the receiver will be able to view all other recipient email addresses. Whereas BCC will hide additional recipients from the submitter.
Attach File will allow forwarding attachments along with confirmation email to the submitter.
If form action is Subscribe:
Subject (Opt-in Confirmation) sets the subject line of the email, which requires the user to confirm their subscription. The content of this message can be edited and fully customized with Opt-in confirmation email option. You can add text, images, and basic HTML. Click on the buttons above the editor to include values of your form fields in the email content.
Subject (Final Welcome) option is the subject of the email which is sent to confirm, that the user has been subscribed. Use Final “welcome” email editor area to compose and customize this message.
If form action is Unsubscribe:
Subject (Unsubscribe) option defines the subject line of the message confirming, that the user has been unsubscribed from your MailChimp list.
Unsubscribe email option helps you compose the custom content, which will be sent to users that have unsubscribed from your list.