This section allows adding or editing the default themes of the calendar widget. Note that this section makes changes in main widget. The upcoming events styles section changes can be made within the widget section.
General Parameters
On the left menu select Calendar > Widget Themes > Add a Theme.
There are 6 default widget themes. You can use one of the default themes or create a new one. If you change the parameters of the default theme here is a big “Reset Theme” button for resetting default theme’s parameters to original.
Title. Choose a title for the theme.
Default theme. Choose the default theme.
Width. Define the Width.
The first day of the week. Choose whether to start the week from Monday or from Sunday.
Popup Window Parameters
On the left menu select Calendar > Widget Themes > Add a Theme.
There are 6 default widget themes. You can use one of the default themes or create a new one. If you change the parameters of the default theme here is a big “Reset Theme” button for resetting default theme’s parameters to original.
Date format in popup. Choose the format of the date in popup.
Event title color in popup. Choose the color for the event title in popup.
Event title font size in popup. Define the font size of the event title in popup.
Event title font family in popup. Select the event title font family in popup.
Event title font style in popup. Select the event title font style in popup.
Date color in popup. Choose the color of the date in popup.
Date font size in popup. Define the font size of the date in popup.
Date font family in popup. Choose the font family of the date in popup.
Date style in popup. Select the style of the date in popup.
Arrow background color in popup. Choose the background color of the arrow in popup.
Arrow color in popup. Choose the color of the arrow in popup.
Popup background color. Choose the background color for the popup.
Popup width. Define the width of the popup.
Popup height. Define the height of the popup.
Show repeat rate. Choose whether to show the repeat rate or not.
Body Parameters
On the left menu select Calendar > Widget Themes > Add a Theme.
There are 6 default widget themes. You can use one of the default themes or create a new one. If you change the parameters of the default theme here is a big “Reset Theme” button for resetting default theme’s parameters to original.
YEAR font. Choose font style for the year.
MONTH font. Choose font style for the month.
DAY font. Choose the font style for the day.
Font of weekday names. Choose the font style for the names of the weekdays.
Header background color. Choose the background color of the header.
Calendar background color. Choose the background color of the calendar.
Color of month. Choose the color to display the months.
Color of weekday names. Choose the color to display the names of the weekdays.
Color of other months. Choose the color for the other months days.
Color of days without events. Choose the color for the days without events.
Color of days with events. Choose the color for the days with events.
Background color of days with events. Select the background color for the days with events.
Background color of current day. Select the background color for the current day.
Color of arrows. Choose the color for the arrows.
Color of current day. Choose the color for the current day.
Border color of the current day. Select the border color for the current day.
Color of Sundays. Choose the color for Sundays.
Background color of weekday names. Select the background color for the names of the weekdays.
Sunday background color. Select the background color for Sundays.
Cell border color. Choose the color for the cell border.
Year and month font size. Choose the font size to display year and month.
Year font color. Select the font color for the year.
Year tabs background color. Choose the background color for the year tabs.