Description of ad groups in WordPress Ad Manager WD plugin.
The WordPress Ads plugin lets you organize your adverts and display them in groups with different modes. Let’s start with creating a new group and assigning it to an advertisement.
Firstly provide a Name and Slug for your group, and select a Parent group (if any). You can write a few lines of Descriptionfor this particular group also. The slug and description text is optional, but the name requires to be filled in.
Groups of advertisements can be displayed on site frontend based on three Modes:
- Default mode will switch adverts of current group only upon page load.
- Dynamic lets you have the group ads to refresh after a specified time frame, without reloading the page.
- Block allows you to place a few adverts at once. It creates a grid containing ads of current group.
Dynamic and Block have a set of specific options, that will only apply if your group is published in those modes.
- Block Parameters lets you select the number of rows and columns for your group in Block mode.
- Advert Size determines the width and height of ads in this group.
- Auto refresh allows setting the amount of time (in seconds), which will be indicated as the interval for refreshing dynamic ads.
Advanced set of options allows you to add margins to your advert block. For example, you can set it to 10px 0px to have margins from top and the bottom only. Furthermore, it lets you select the alignment of this advertisement group, Left, Rightor Center.
Select Placement of the advertisement group, which can be one of the following:
- Before Content
- After Content
- Before And After Content
- Inside The Content
You can also specify the number of paragraph, after which the advertisement will appear. E.g. if you set 5, the ad group will appear after fifth paragraph.
As with individual adverts, groups can be placed in posts, pages or categories. Select where you need the ad group to appear by checking corresponding checkboxes.
Make sure to press Save after configuring all necessary options in your group. Now lets add an advert to it. You need to navigate to All Adverts page and edit the one you wish to assign to the group. Click Add New Group from right side of the editor, and select the group from its dropdown menu.