Here's a quick guide to solving common errors with Facebook Feed plugin.
- "Error: Unsupported get request.
Code 100.
Type: GraphMethodException"
If you get an error like this, the reason is one of these cases:
1. You're using a personal Facebook account.
If you're trying to connect the plugin to a personal account, instead of a page or a group, the attempt will fail because of privacy restrictions. You can try to connect to a Facebook group/page instead or convert your personal profile to a page using Facebook's instructions.
2. Your Facebook page has restrictions.
If your page isn't public (has age or country restrictions), it won't be visible to users trying to access it from within Facebook and search engines. You can go to your page's Settings and remove Country Restrictions/Age Restrictions.
3. You Facebook page is not published.
Make sure to click "Publish" from the top of your page so the plugin can retrieve your publications.
4. You have a shop in your Facebook page.
Having your products displayed on your Facebook page also leads to this error. We are diligently working on finding a solution for this case, so stay tuned.