Have a large list of events in your Google Calendar? Want to display them on your site and customize the design and content of the events through the WordPress event calendar? This add-on makes the entire process of importing events simple and user-friendly. All you need is to provide the Calendar ID and the API key.
The add-on has two options: you can display the Google calendar events without storing them in event list. Second option is importing the events to your event calendar. For the second option the events will be added as custom posts(Events) and can be further customized.
You can select the events wants to add to the calendar from the available list.
The events will maintain their descriptions, details, location and even the settings, e.g. the recurring events will remain recurring and be displayed based on the original recurring rate.
Displaying Calendar
Note: Make the Google Calendar public. To do so you should go to the Google Calendar page > Calendar setting and set it to be public from “Share this Calendar” section.
To display the events from the Google Calendar you should first fill in the details within Event Calendar WD Calendars > Settings > GCal Settings section.
Google API key: To fill in this field you should follow the steps below:
Go to Google Developers Console and press on “Create new project” button. After the load of the project go to APIs & auth > APIs and look for “Calendar API” and turn the option on. On the left menu click on APIs & auth > Credentials. Within the “Public API access” section click on “Create new key” button and choose “Browser key”. Here provide the list of the domains where you plan to use the calendar on (you can further edit it). The API key will appear. It will take a few second to work, after the activation paste the key to the Google API key field.
Google Events default categories: Here you can check the categories of events you want to display from the Google Calendar.
Google Events update every: Set the autoupdate time for the Google Calendar events. In cases when a faster update of events are required you can use the Clear Cache option from Settings > General Settings menu.
The last step provides the Calendar ID within Calendars > Add/Edit new Calendar section. To obtain the Calendar ID follow the steps here.
Importing events from Google Calendar
For importing events go to Events > Import GCal, provide Calendar ID, API key choose the calendars to add imported events and press “Import” button.
The list of the Google Calendar events will appear on the right side. Here you can select the events you want to import, select their category, as well as the calendar (where the events will be added), check the events and press “Save Selected Events” button below.
If you import the events from Google Calendar for the second time (or consequently), the events which have already been imported to the Calendar will be shown with a notice. You can choose to re-import them or skip those events. Re-import will add an identical event.