Do you have large amount of events on your calendars and want to make the search of events more user-friendly? Use the Filter Add-on of WordPress event calendar to categorize the events by Days, Categories, Tags, Venues and Organizers.
Attention: Add-ons are supported by Event Calendar Premium version.
The add-on is easy to use and manage. No special options are required to be set. The list of the filters is being added when inserting the calendar shortcode into a page or post. You can set up to 5 filters.
The filters come in the form of checkboxes, so the user can select one or more options for the filtering.
Adding filters
When inserting the Calendar into a page/post use the third tab of the shortcode pop-up to set the filters. Using the drop-downs select the filters. You can add up to 5 filters. If you want to add less than 5 filters, set the option to None. The filters will appear on the front end based on the ordering provided within the shortcode.