Feature request -> Pay through Woocommerce to submit Form Maker form
I would like to be able to take a product in Woocommerce and assign a "pay to submit" option to that product.
I want to be able to set the Form Maker form that should be linked to and the amount of allowed succesfull submissions at the wocommerce product level.
Once the "pay to submit" product has been purchased, it should show up as a link or button to get access to the form from the customers order overview in the woocommerce my account page. It should also show how often the form still may be submitted.
The link/button should become visible once the order status is paid.
Similar to the currently available Form Maker action "Selecting Options from Database" -> https://help.10web.io/hc/en-us/articles/360015862632-Selecting-Options-from-Database I would like to be able to retrieve information from the originating woocommerce product (name of product, variable selections, add-on choices etc) so one can setup conditional actions to show or not show parts of the form.
All in all the idea is a bit like
with the difference being that I want to be able to limit the amount of form submissions and there should be no direct access to the form, it should only be accessible through for example an encrypted link.
Hope this all makes sense :-)
Kind Regards
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