improvement suggestions to Form Maker



  • Official comment
    Asya Gabrilyan

    Dear Friend,
    Your second suggestion has been implemented in version 1.13.46/2.13.46.


  • admin
    1.  Title: Option to add Titles (example Mr.|Mrs|Ms.|Dr.)   in droplist or any other manner would be really helpful.  We can just select the prepopulated title and type the name.  Similar to Jotform
    2.  Dates:  Option to disable past dates  would be really helpful.  Similar to Jotform 
    3.  Prepopulated content in fields:  Option to add prepopulated fields which will get published within the {all}  would be very helpful.  Now using html will appear only in form but will not appear in {all}
    4. Email alignment:  {all} displays in the corner of the mail despite setting into center alignment.  Request a fix for this.

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