When recreating a site don't make it a homepage by default




  • Official comment
    Mane Nazaryan

    Dear Navin,


    Thanks for submitting your idea. 

    We will create such this feature soon. 

    You can also see it in our public roadmap: https://help.10web.io/hc/en-us/articles/360016749879-AI-Builder-Public-Roadmap .

    "Add new landing pages - Feature to add more landing pages to the already existing site." Once this feature is added the pages won't become homepage. 

    Please let us know if you have any further questions and/or comments. 




  • Benjamin Tan

    Hi, Yes, this has been a pain point for us a couple times. 
    Not only does setting the newly created site template to default cause an immediate problem if you already have a live website, but it's confusing how to get the old one back. 

    All we need is a button at the end of the process that allows us to choose "Save as Draft" or "Publish." 
    Currently, the system immediately pushes the AI Builder site as live, replacing any pre-existing website. And, it does this without any warning. This is horrible. 

    At least, give people a warning message, saying, "pressing save/continue will overwrite your excising live website, do you want to continue?"

    These would be simple additions that would help prevent some headaches and prevent down time for some clients. 


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