Migration: Cancel option, progress bar, run in background


1 comment

  • Allan Kronmark

    I second these suggestions. It would be good to have a verbose progress indicator, e.g. "1 of 10: Creating backup", "2 of 10: setting up environment"...

    There's absolutely no need to run it in the foreground. You should just be able to check the progress from the notification area.

    It also applies to setting up new hosts or deleting them.

    Besides, my migration failed with no explanation provided - and I'm not totally happy about having to provide my SFTP credentials, so I didn't. However, I was reconsidering and then I can't find any place where I can request a manual migration.

    Furthermore, the failed migration means that I can't use the subdomain I tried migrating to, probably because you provisioned an instance and forgot to clear the traces after the failed migration.

    I feel I have no option but to use a 3rd party plugin, but I'm really hoping you can make it work.

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