To edit background colors and images, click on the section handle. In the left hand panel, click on the Styles tab > Background.
Background Types
Classic: Solid background color.
Gradient: Gradation of background color.
Video: Add a video link to play in the background.
Slideshow: Add and loop a slideshow of numerous images in the background.
Applying a Solid Background Color
Click the Color box to open the color pallet and scale. Choose and adjust the hue and saturation by moving the sliders, or paste a Hex# in the bottom field.
Applying an Image to the Background
Click on the Image field to add an image to the background. Upload files or choose from the existing media library.
Background Color for Widgets
If your widget allows editing of styles, you can change its background color by clicking on the widget, then going to the Styles tab > Backgrounds, and following the above steps for changing the background.
Next up: Background Gradient