The Posts widget displays a list of blog posts or custom post types on your website. It offers customization options to control how posts are presented.
Content tab
- Masonry: By default, the layout of the widget is set to a grid. Toggle between grid and masonry layouts.
- Columns: Set the number of columns to display.
- Posts Per Page: Choose the number of posts to show on each page. Set the number to zero to display all posts.
- Show Image: Option to show or not show an image for your post.
- Image Position: Choose how to position your image, above or below the title.
- Image Resolution: Choose a size for your post image.
- Title: Hide or show the title of a post by clicking on the toggle.
- Title HTML Tag: Choose an HTML tag for the title.
- Title Length: Specify the maximum length of post titles
- Excerpt: Toggle to show or hide post excerpts.
- Excerpt Length: Choose the number of words to display for the post excerpt.
Meta Data
- Meta Data: Choose metadata to display (e.g., date, author).
- Separator Between: Select the separator you prefer to use between metadata elements.
- Read More: Toggle to show or hide the "Read More" button.
- Read More Text: Customize the text displayed on the "Read More" button.
- Query Source: Select the source from which the widget will display posts. If "Manual Selection" is chosen, search and select articles, specify their order, and set them to display in ascending or descending order.
- Authors: Choose specific authors whose posts will be displayed.
- Categories: Display posts only from selected categories.
- Tags: Filter posts by selected tags.
- Order By: Determine the criteria for sorting posts.
- Order: Choose between displaying posts in ascending or descending order.
- Exclude Posts: Specify any posts you wish to exclude from being displayed.
- Pagination: Toggle to enable or disable pagination.
- Page Limit: Specify the number of posts to display per page.
- Scroll To Top: Toggle to enable or disable the "Scroll to Top" feature.
- Next and Previous Buttons: Toggle to include next and previous page buttons.
- First and Last Buttons: Toggle to include first and last page buttons.
- Numbers: Toggle to show or hide page numbers.
- Previous Label: Set the text for the "Previous" page button.
- Next Label: Set the text for the "Next" page button.
Style tab
- Column Gap: Adjust the spacing between columns.
- Rows Gap: Set the spacing between rows.
- Background Color: Customize the background color of the post block.
- Border Color: Define the color for the post border.
- Border Width: Adjust the width of the post border.Border Radius: Choose to round the edges of the post block.
- Horizontal Padding: Set the horizontal padding within the post block.
- Vertical Padding: Adjust the vertical padding within the post widget column.
- Alignment: Set the alignment of the content.
- Image Spacing: Adjust the spacing around images.
- Color: Define the color of the title.
- Typography: Customize the font style for the title.
- Spacing: Set the spacing between the title and other elements.
- Padding: Adjust the padding around the title.
- Color: Define the color of the excerpt text.
- Typography: Customize the font style for the excerpt.
- Spacing: Set the spacing between the excerpt and other elements.
- Padding: Adjust the padding around the excerpt.
Read More
- Color: Define the color of the "Read More" button.
- Typography: Customize the font style for the "Read More" button.
- Spacing: Set the spacing between the button and other elements.
- Padding: Adjust the padding around the button.
- Color: Define the color of the metadata text.
- Separator Color: Set the color of the separator between metadata.
- Meta Border Color: Define the color of the metadata border.
- Typography: Customize the font style for metadata.
- Spacing: Set the spacing between metadata elements.
- Padding: Adjust the padding around metadata.
- Alignment: Align the pagination buttons. Options include left, center, and right.
- Typography: Choose the desired font for the pagination buttons.
- Colors: Set the color for the pagination buttons for Normal, Hover, and Active states.
- Space Between: Adjust the spacing between the Previous/Next buttons and the page numbers in the pagination interface.
Advanced tab
You can customize the widget further using the settings available in the Advanced tab. These options provide additional styling and functionality adjustments, allowing you to tailor the widget to better fit your design needs.