Manage your workspace users and permissions effortlessly with the User & Team Management section in your 10Web dashboard. Invite, edit roles, or remove users quickly while maintaining control over access and security.
User & team management
Invite, remove, or change the permissions of your own workspace users from the User & Team management section of your workspace dashboard.
To manage:
- Log into your 10Web account
- Click on the drop-down menu of your workspace
- Click on Users
Adding new users
You can invite users by clicking on the Invite or Invite Users button from the top bar of your dashboard, from the dropdown menu of your workspace, or from the User and Team management page.
After clicking the button:
Fill in the complete email addresses of the users you want to invite
You can invite up to 10 users at once separated with commas.
- Next, choose the role type from the dropdown menu
- Click Invite Users.
If you have chosen to invite someone with the role of a Member
- Click the Select Sites dropdown menu
- Select the site you want the member to access
- If a website has a staging environment enabled, select Full access or
- Select Staging only to give access to the staging environment only
The invited users will be added to the list of your users in the User & Team Management section of your workspace with a pending status next to their name. Once the invitation has been accepted, the pending tag will disappear. If the user has a 10Web account, the user will be prompted to login. If the user doesn’t have an account, they will be prompted to create a free account with 10Web.
Invitations will stay active for 7 days only. In case you have sent the invitation to the wrong email address, by removing the invitation, you will disable the invitation link to your workspace.
Managing users
In the User & Team Management section of your workspace, you will see a list of users you have invited to your workspace. Displayed on the list are information about each user.
Find their:
- Name
- Role
- Sites
In this section, you can also resend an invitation, edit the user’s role, and remove a user.
If you would like to invite the user again, click on the Resend button at the right of each user.
Removing a user
To remove a user from your workspace:
- Click on the three dots at the right of the user
- Click Remove user
Enter your password
Here is how to reset your password if you have forgotten it.
- Click Yes, Remove
Removed users will be notified by email about their removal from your workspace.
Deleting users from the WP dashboard
For security purposes and for tracking the actions in your own workspace, the first time a new user logs in and accesses a website of your workspace, a user is created in the WP admin of that website with their email address.
When the user is deleted from the workspace in your 10Web dashboard, the user still exists in the WP dashboard. You will need to manually find this user, and delete them from the WP dashboard.
To delete a user from your 10Web workspace and from the WP dashboard of the website:
- Click on the workspace dropdown menu of your 10Web dashboard
- Delete the user from your workspace
- Click on the website the user had access to
- Click on the icon to go to the WP admin dashboard
- To the left of the dashboard, click on Users
- Find the user from the list click on the red Delete located under the user email
- Choose to delete all content or choose to attribute all the content to a user
- Click Confirm Deletion
Editing a user role
To change the role of a user:
- Click on the edit icon located at the right of each user
- Click on the dropdown menu and choose the new role
- Click Update